Interview with ZynneMe


I was a guest on the Starting a Counseling Practice podcast with Kelly + Miranda of zynnyme, and the episode is now live! This podcast features inspirational stories like mine, and advice for building and growing a private practice. You can listen to my recent episode at

If you’d like to share the episode with your friends, family, or colleagues, that would be great! Thanks for listening!


They give me hope.

The first time I sought the counsel of a therapist was after my first heartbreak in college. I knew back then that I wanted to be a therapist, but that I had to understand myself before I could begin to understand how to help others. With the support of my counselor's compassion, life experience and encouragement, she assured me that my broken heart would mend, that I could do more to take care of myself, and that eventually life would feel good again.

What I wasn’t sure of the first time I sat on her couch was if she was right. As I shared my grief, and felt her kindness, I gave her the benefit of the doubt and hoped. I hoped that one day I would be able to turn my suffering into something useful that could help others.  I didn’t want to suffer just because “life is suffering.” That wasn’t good enough. I knew I was here to help others, I just needed to learn how to help myself first.

Once I got through the consuming ache of my sorrow, I started interviewing her about how she got to sit in that chair – the therapist’s chair. From that point on I dedicated myself to learning all I could about the human experience, about relationships, trauma, healing, and about myself.

Now, every day that I sit in the therapist’s chair, I am so grateful for the journey that has gotten me to a place where I can help hold someone else’s sorrow, grief, fear, or bewilderment, and help them make meaning out of it. There is a lot of suffering in this life, but there is also a lot of joy, a lot of beautiful days, a lot of love to share with friends and family. There is not a single thing I would rather do than help others reconnect with themselves, with their loved ones, and with a life that includes not only suffering, but much more beauty and joy.

One of the things I do every Monday is buy a bouquet of flowers for my office (it’s a self-care ritual). All week long they bring me joy and remind me of the abundant beauty in life. One afternoon I had a client on my couch, deep in his suffering. He looked up, glanced at the gorgeous bouquet of colorful roses, and said, “Those are beautiful. They give me hope.”