Friendships are some of my most important relationships. I’m so grateful to have a bestie since 7th grade, a few from college and different jobs, and one that lives down the street. I have a BFF from so many areas of my life, scattered throughout the world. I’m lucky like that. And I also have broken friendships that have ranked up there with some of my deepest heartbreaks. I wish I knew that therapy for friendships was an option before I lost those important friendships. That’s why I want to offer this service to you.
Seeking out a therapist for a fractured friendship isn’t common. In fact, I’ve never heard of it being done. And I think friendships need as much help as any other important relationship. Sometimes we hit an impasse, get our feelings hurt, get offended, get stuck. I’ve walked away from friendships because I didn’t know how to talk about my hurt. And I’ve had friends walk away from me, too. I didn’t know how to listen with an open heart. I was hurt, mad, and righteous. I’ve lost friends that meant the world to me. It still hurts.
Sure, some friendships are “for a season.” A work friend that drifts away after you graduate, leave the job, or move away. Those are sad, but don’t shake up your world. And some friends can endure through distance and time. Those friendships are lifelong treasures.
But what do you do when some misunderstanding happens, and you and your friend are both mad, hurt and at an impasse? Do you walk away? Is that the only option? Sounds like you need help working it out.
Maybe some Therapy for Friendships can help. I wish I had had that option, and that my friend would have gone to therapy with me. I have so much I wish I could share with her.